What is Kube-Hunter?
As the name kube-hunter, its named for its ability to hunt for security weaknesses in Kubernetes clusters. Kube-hunter enables Kubernetes administrators, operators and security teams to identify weaknesses in their deployments and address those issues before attackers can exploit them.
Kube-hunter adds discovery and penetration testing capabilities to the CIS validation for K8s deployments offered by kube-bench. It functions similarly to an automated penetration testing tool in this regard.
Where should I run kube-hunter?
There are three different ways to run kube-hunter, each providing a different approach to detecting weaknesses in your cluster:
- Run kube-hunter on any machine (including your laptop), select Remote scanning, and give the IP address or domain name of your Kubernetes cluster. This will give you an attackers-eye-view of your Kubernetes setup.
- You can run kube-hunter directly on a machine in the cluster, and select the option to probe all the local network interfaces.
- You can also run kube-hunter in a pod within the cluster. This indicates how exposed your cluster would be if one of your application pods is compromised (through a software vulnerability, for example). (–pod flag)
There are three type of scanning Options available in Kube-hunter
1. Remote scanning
To specify remote machines for hunting, select option 1 or use the –remote option.Example: kube-hunter — remote some.node.com
2. Interface scanning
To specify interface scanning, you can use the –interface option (this will scan all of the machine’s network interfaces). Example: kube-hunter –interface
3. Network scanning
To specify a specific CIDR to scan, use the –cidr option. Example: kube-hunter –cidr
4. Kubernetes node auto-discovery
Set –k8s-auto-discover-nodes flag to query Kubernetes for all nodes in the cluster, and then attempt to scan them all. By default, it will use in-cluster config to connect to the Kubernetes API. If you’d like to use an explicit kubeconfig file, set –kubeconfig /location/of/kubeconfig/file.
Where should I run kube-hunter?
- On Machine
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/aquasecurity/kube-hunter.git
cd kube-hunter
pip install -r requirements.txt
Now Run:
now you need to select from three options. In this example i am using “Remote Scanning”
You will get the scan result above
2. On Container
docker run -it --rm --network host aquasec/kube-hunter
It will again prompt you, like in step 1
3. Run as a pod
We can also run the kube-hunter as a active scan within the cluster as well
Create the below job
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: kube-hunter
app: kube-hunter
- name: kube-hunter
image: aquasec/kube-hunter:0.6.8
command: ["kube-hunter"]
args: ["--pod"]
restartPolicy: Never
Kubectl apply -f job-name
After creating the job it will create a pod
kubectl get po | grep kube-hunter
Now view the report in pod logs
kubectl logs <pod_name>
Be Responsible!
Never use kube-hunter on a cluster that belongs to someone else. It is possible to use this code to probe other websites, however the rules and regulations expressly prohibit this.
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